가맹점주가 분쟁조정을 신청했습니다. 답변서를 제출하지 않으면 어떻게 되나요?

답변서 미제출에 따른 제재는 없습니다.

다만, 분쟁조정협의회의 자료제출 요구에 2회 이상 불응하는 경우, 조정은 불성립되어 절차가 종료됩니다.

Are there any legal issues involved?

Should I negotiate with a Korean or initiate a lawsuit in a Korean court? The law firm where the interpreter works is located here. All of these processes can be carried out NON-STOP through a professional Korean lawyer. Contact us for consultation right now. Professional staff will respond kindly.

Tel : 02-2038-2438
Email : kjw@yeyul.com, ksk@yeyul.com
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